Together, We Did It
Thanks to you, over 500 acres in the Columbia Gorge are protected forever

Click on the image above to watch a KOIN-TV video about the successful Preserve the Wonder campaign.

Together, we did it! You helped raise over $5.6 million to finish the Preserve the Wonder land acquisition campaign!
Thanks to you we were able to secure 470 acres of magnificent Columbia Gorge landscapes for permanent protection.You saved turtles, enabled wetland restoration, made trail connections possible and protected world-class vistas for generations to come. You preserved the wonder of the Gorge.
Right up to the end of the campaign, your generosity and enthusiasm for protection inspired great philanthropy in donations that included a truly wonderful 50-acre Gorge property and a matching challenge of $250,000 that inspired many more donors.
Giving begets giving, especially when it comes from a place of passion and sense of urgency like yours.
Thank you! We couldn’t have done it without you.
Now that we own them, stay tuned for updates on the Preserve the Wonder properties and how you can help steward them.
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Preserve the Wonder Information and Stories

About Friends of the Columbia Gorge Land Trust
Our land trust will be managing the lands acquired in the Preserve the Wonder campaign.
Preserve a Wonderful Acre Club
These contributors made special gifts to help protect the Gorge for future generations.

VIDEO: Campaign News Feature
KATU (Portland) talks with executive director Kevin Gorman at Steigerwald Shores campaign property.

The Silver Fir and the Art of Patience
As the final stage of the campaign begins, executive director Kevin Gorman thinks about the nature of change.

Finding Wonder at Steigerwald
Campaign Co-Chair Debbie Asakawa writes of a magical day at Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge.

Preserving the Wonder for Things We Hold Dear
Executive Director Kevin Gorman on Friends' land campaign and the interconnections of work and personal life.