Take Action
Stay engaged about Gorge conservation issues and ways you can help
View from Mitchell Point. (photographer: Mary Dodge)

Welcome! Over the years, Friends' activists have helped us achieve incredible victories in protecting the Gorge’s scenic, natural, cultural, and recreational resources. We want our Gorge community members to feel empowered to use their voice and speak out on the issues they're passionate about. With the many threats our communities face, taking action can sometimes feel overwhelming. Activism has the extraordinary potential to transform communities and provides a path for us to make significant contributions.

By signing up for our Action Alerts, you’ll be the first to know about critical threats to the Gorge and ways you can help. These emails contain background information, talking points for sending emails to elected officials and agencies, and other ways to provide input. If you have other concerns affecting the health and environment of your community, please reach out—we are all ears!

Renée Tkach | Conservation Director | renee@gorgefriends.org