Upper McCord and Elowah Falls Trail Invasive Plant Removal

Friday, June 9, 2023

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Join Friends of the Columbia Gorge for monthly herb-Robert removal along trails within the scenic John B. Yeon State Scenic Corridor.

Registration is required for each volunteer.

Please read our electronic Liability Waiver here. You will be asked to check a box acknowledging you read waiver during registration.

Due to trail conditions at this site, this project is best suited for volunteers age 16 and older.

  • Y?outh age 16 and up may volunteer on their own as long as they bring a Youth Volunteer Waiver signed by a parent/legal guardian. Find a printable Youth Volunteer Waiver Form HERE.

Project Description

Since the 2017 fire, volunteers have played a huge role here in keeping up with invasive weeds in sensitive habitat along this trail. Efforts here are helping to preserve endemic cliffside wildflowers in the Columbia Gorge and enhance biodiversity along this unique trail in the waterfall corridor.

Level of physical work includes hiking about 2 miles round trip with about 600 ft elevation gain. We will be walking on uneven terrain along a trail with steep drop offs. While working, volunteers will be carrying bags of weeds, bending, and kneeling.

Site notes: There is poison oak along the trail we will identify and avoid. There is no official restroom on site.

We provide all necessary tools and gloves but you are welcome to bring your own.

What you should bring:

  • Water and snacks
  • Sun protection
  • A pack to carry your personal gear
  • Personal hand sanitizer
  • H?iking poles if you prefer

What to Wear:

  • Boots or sturdy sneakers
  • Long durable pants and long-sleeved shirt
  • Dress for weather: extra layers of clothing to stay comfortable


  • 9:00 a.m. - Check in, introductions and safety check in
  • 9:15 a.m. - Hike to project site and plant identification
  • We'll take a lunch around 11:30 and breaks as needed
  • 1:00 p.m. -Back at the trailhead

What to expect at a Friends work party: Expect a supportive and welcoming space where stewardship staff will lead you through a project training, plant identification tips and tricks and a fun impactful project! Work parties provide the opportunity to explore Gorge trails, learn about ecology, build community, and become more familiar with plant and wildlife conservation efforts in the Gorge!


Look for a confirmation email with details and directions 3-5 days before the event.

Questions? Please contact Sarah Skelly at sarah.skelly@gorgefriends.org or 503-501-6351.