Have You Met Your Goals for This Year? 

If you are like many people, you began this year with a number of resolutions. And like the rest of us, you probably found some of these resolutions difficult to keep. If your resolution included supporting Friends, there is still time to do that!

When you support Friends, you are showing up as a watchdog for the Gorge, helping to protect it from sprawl, illegal mining operations, and irresponsible commercial and residential development.

You are making a difference to the advocacy and legal work to protect the Gorge. You are funding education field trips to introduce young people to the wonders of the outdoors. And you are providing stewardship work to preserve the lands throughout the Gorge.

Friends wants to help you help the Gorge—in a tax-smart way! Check out these tools to make protecting the Gorge easy:

Simplify Your Giving with A Donor Advised Fund 

A donor advised fund (DAF) is like a charitable savings account. You can recommend a grant or recurring grants now to Friends or use your fund as a tool for future charitable gifts.

Donate Gifts of Stock or Bonds

Gifts of stock, mutual funds or other securities are a wonderful tax-effective way to donate to Friends. To transfer stock, visit our website or contact us for simple transfer instructions.

Smart Giving from Your IRA – A Special Opportunity for Those 70 ½ Years Old and Older

The IRA charitable rollover, also commonly called a qualified charitable distribution (QCD), is a tax-saving way to help. You can give any amount up to $100,000 per year from your IRA directly to a qualified charity, such as Friends of the Columbia Gorge. You can even set this up to recur every year!

Whichever way you choose to support Friends, you can be sure your donations will be put to work protecting the Gorge!

For more information, please contact either:
Pam Davee, Director of Philanthropy (503) 421-2151 I pam@gorgefriends.org
Lori Warner, Philanthropy Officer (971) 634-0594 | lori@gorgefriends.org

This information is not intended as tax, legal or financial advice. Consult your personal financial advisor for information specific to your situation.