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What's Next for the Vancouver Oil Terminal Proposal?

What's Next for the Vancouver Oil Terminal Proposal?
The "Portland Raging Grannies" sing their testimony against the Tesoro oil terminal at an Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council hearing Tuesday in Vancouver. (photographer: Ariane Kunze/The Columbian)
August 24, 2017
For those of you who have been following and/or participating in the slow wheels of regulatory review for Tesoro's oil train terminal proposed at the Port of Vancouver, WA, the question is understandable: When is this going to end?

We can't provide a firm answer, but can give an educated guess: early 2018...probably.

Earlier this week in Vancouver, the Washington Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) took public testimony at a hearing (some of it was sung!) regarding the application for the project's storm water discharge permit. This hearing was the last of its kind. Now we have reached the final steps that will lead to the terminal's final approval or rejection:
  1. EFSEC has a Nov. 30 deadline to make a final recommendation to Washington Governor Jay Inslee, who will determine the terminal's fate. But EFSEC has given itself previous extensions, so there's the possibility of another extension that would last into 2018.
  2. When EFSEC does make its recommendation, it will schedule a public hearing (at which no testimony will be taken) to announce it.
  3. After EFSEC makes its announcement, Gov. Inslee is mandated by law to issue his final decision within 60 days.

What can you do to oppose the terminal at this point? 

  1. If you haven't already, sign up for Action Alerts so you'll be the first to know about EFSEC's impending announcement.
  2. Both now and when the clock starts ticking on Gov. Inslee's decision, call and write the governor and ask him to say no to this dirty, dangerous oil by rail terminal.