Corbett Pasture Restoration Native Planting

Thursday, May 9, 2019

10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Join Friends Stewardship Volunteer Coordinator Mika Barrett and the U.S. Forest Service to plant native shrubs.

Volunteers will plant native shrubs in a riparian area of an existing pasture under restoration in Corbett, Oregon. This planting project is designed to help protect a stream channel in one of the pastured areas. Volunteers will be planting Red osier dogwood along an intermittent stream channel thereby increasing stream buffers, while replacing invasive blackberry, and decreasing sedimentation.

We appreciate our volunteers! As a thank you, volunteers are gifted with a free Friends of the Columbia Gorge tech-tee after completing 3 stewardship work parties. For those who have gone above and beyond for the Gorge, volunteers earn a NW Forest Pass after completing 6 stewardship work parties with the U.S. Forest Service and Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.
What to Bring:  (Gloves and tools are provided)

*Registration is a two-step process*

  1. Click "+Add" to complete a separate ticket for each person in your party.
  2. On 2nd page, click the bubble next to the main contact’s name (to autofill the information). This person will receive the confirmation email.