Naturalist Ralph Thomas Rogers will lead us on a slow-paced walk on the Willard Springs trail to learn about the natural ecology and management of the Conboy Lake NWR, identifying many species of flora and fauna as we go. Bring binoculars if you have them, and your favorite field guide or plant ID book as this will be a great opportunity to spend time identifying and talking about many species.
This will be a slower-paced walk with frequent stops for discussion.
Registration is a two-step process:
Click "+Add" to complete a separate ticket for each person in your party.
On 2nd page, click the bubble next to the main contact’s name (to autofill the information). This person will receive the confirmation email.
Note: We no longer have wait lists. Keep an eye on sold-out events for space to open up as cancellations happen. Registration remains open until 2 p.m. the day (or Friday) before the outing.