Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation

Did you know that thousands of companies match donations made by employees? Companies like Intel and PGE will even match volunteer hours and donations made by retirees! 

Your employer won't match your gifts automatically and we aren't able to submit the required form on your behalf. The only way for you to double your donation is to search for your employer and then submit a matching gift form (either online or paper).

Although the impact of these matching gift programs can be substantial for non-profits like Friends, billions of dollars in matching gift funds go unclaimed each year. Thank you for taking five minutes to maximize your impact on Gorge protection work and ensure that we're not leaving money on the table!

Our Information


123 NE 3rd Ave, Suite 108
Portland, OR 97232

Tax ID:


Contact Person:

Hannah Anderson-Dana, Membership Coordinator