Lyle Cherry Orchard Wildlife, WA

Saturday, October 26, 2019

9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Join Wildlife biologist Bill Weiler and Gorge Towns to Trails Project Manager Renee Tkach on the slopes of the Lyle Cherry Orchard Land Trust Preserve. We'll learn about the new trail system being implemented here and the considerations involved in the planning process concerning the unique habitat this preserve offers for wild animals and plants. This will be a beautiful time of year to experience the changing colors in the old oak grove as well as sweeping views up and down the Gorge.

This trail is semi-rugged and steep in sections. We highly recommend using hiking poles for this hike.

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Registration is a two-step process:
  1. Click "+Add" to complete a separate ticket for each person in your party.
  2. On 2nd page, click the bubble next to the main contact’s name (to autofill the information). This person will receive the confirmation email.